quick as a wink

kwɪk æz ʌ wɪŋk


1 general:: Phrase(s): *quick as a wink [and] *quick as a flash; *quick as (greased) lightning; *swift as lightning very quickly. (*Also: as ~.) • As quick as a wink, the thief took the lady’s purse. • I’ll finish this work quick as a flash. • Quick as greased lightning, the thief stole my wallet.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

2 general:: Also, quick as a bunny or a flash. Very speedily, as in He was out of here quick as a wink, or She answered, quick as a bunny. These similes have largely replaced the earlier quick as lightning, although quick as a flash no doubt alludes to it ( Also see LIKE GREASED LIGHTNING), and quick as thought, now obsolete. The bunny variant dates from the mid-1800s, the others from the late 1800s.

American Heritage Idioms

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